MyConnectedHealthcare App

What is it?

Our MyConnectedHealthcare App is a virtual caregiver equipped with voice reminders of medications timing, doctor appointments and health related notification. Aditum Health is a leader in accessible design, so our app is easy to use by seniors and persons with disabilities.

How does it work?

MyConnectedHealthcare App is downloadable to a PC, tablet or mobile device. It collects and manages personal health information storing it in a secure cloud and provides a connected heath system for patients, caregivers and emergency personnel. Interactive voice technology and simple app menus encourage client engagement.

Our system is Bluetooth enabled, providing an open platform to pair with any Bluetooth enabled medical data collection devices such as heart monitor and blood pressure devices

Our system enables automated medication refill notifications to pharmacies and to consumers. Notifications can also be sent to a care giver or assigned secondary user of any misuse or misscompliance to medication adherence.

MyConnectedHealthcare provides a secured portal for emergency personnel to access medication history in an emergency or a hospitalized setting where consumer is either incapacitated or unable to provide medication history or medical information.


  • MyConnectedHealthcare empowers the patient to manage their own medications and healthcare needs even for complex medical regimens.
  • Peace of mind for caregivers.
  • Cross referencing medication adverse reactions.
  • MyConnectedHealthcare reduces the negative health consequences of medication nonadherence and informs caregivers and emergency personnel if any problems arise.
  • Relevant timely medical information for emergency personnel and healthcare professionals.
  • MyConnectedHealthcare improves overall wellbeing through a holistic approach of engagement with many features of the app such as mood analyisis, connecting to the care giver, connecting to other MyConnectedHealthcare customers, playing music, playing games.

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